Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada

As a business, our focus is feeding families. In our communities, we look beyond the business to nourish the hearts and minds of young Canadians.

We are a proud supporter and partner of Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada. With 200,000 children attending Clubs in 700 communities across Canada, together we have a tremendous opportunity to nurture confident, happy and productive youth.



Restaurants are the number one source of first-time jobs for young Canadians, making up 42% of the industry workforce.

In 2017, we launched the Skilled4Success (S4S) Hospitality Program in 10 Clubs across Canada. S4S is a pre-employment program that assists youth in developing the skills and competencies needed to successfully obtain jobs in the hospitality industry.

In its first phase, 245 participating youth learned critical job search skills including resume writing, customer service and how to apply for jobs, as well as the importance of having a positive, can-do attitude.


45% of the youth who participated in the program, applied for jobs in the hospitality industry and many of those attained jobs. They also made valuable connections with our local restaurant leaders and staff, who now have a valuable pool of future employees to choose from.

Our restaurants also operate a variety of branded campaigns that gives customers the opportunity to support their local youth through the Boys and Girls Clubs. 

Our Partnership with  canavas logo  Consulting

As one of the foundational pieces of our organizational commitment to making progress in our strategic plan, specifically “Being a CSR leader”, we partnered with CANVAS Consulting to provide Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training across our organization.

CANVAS Consulting is a full-service diversity, equity and inclusion consultancy that supports culture, strategy and corporate social responsibility. Specializing in interactive training CANVAS Consulting builds diverse, affirming, and inclusive environments. As a social enterprise project, CANVAS Consulting redirects all profits to the non-profit CANVAS Arts Action Programs. By partnering with CANVAS Consulting, you give back to the community by providing programs for underserved youth affected by homophobia, transphobia, and sexual violence. Not only will your team benefit from your commitment to DEI, but you’ll be contributing to a kinder, more equitable worldview.

Our Partnership with  DAREarts logo

We have proudly committed to supporting three of DAREarts outstanding programs through a year-long partnership. These programs include DAREarts Creativity Kits, All the Arts Online, and First Roots Wellness. Aligned with our Value of #DoTheRightThing, along with our donation we provide in-kind benefits including culinary arts workshops delivered by our in-house culinary team.

DAREarts students have the unique opportunity to reset and realign their identity. Our students face significant barriers including: poverty, food insecurity, bullying, social isolation and instability at home. DAREarts students are children who are struggling to succeed in school and in their lives due to the barriers they face. 

We believe leaders aren’t born, they’re grown. Our model disrupts common conceptions of youth leadership development. Instead of focusing on young people that have already demonstrated their leadership capacity, we see our programs as a critical intervention for children and youth who, for many reasons, may never consider themselves as leaders without support. We create a learning environment where participants can develop the skills, behaviors and confidence they need to see themselves as vital and capable changemakers.